
想要MCCC的内幕?  Here are some tidbits of info that provide the highlights on who we are 和 what we do.


学费 is about a third of the cost of a public university 和 the lowest in the region for in-district students.

州内: $221.每小时计费26美元
州外: $246.每小时48美元


More than half of all MCCC students receive some form of financial aid from federal 和 state grants, 贷款和勤工俭学.

Monroe County residents who apply for admission with qualifying ACT or SAT scores can be considered for the Trustee Merit Scholarship, which pays for up to nearly half of tuition for one year 和 is renewable. In addition to the Trustee Merit Scholarship, nearly half a million dollars in other scholarships are available annually. You can quickly 和 easily apply online to be considered for nearly 200 scholarships at c6.tbdaren.com/scholarships.


MCCC已经 pre-approved transfer options to about 20 university partners, so students can go on to get that bachelor's degree.  Siena Heights University has a location right on MCCC’s campus.


项目和转学途径: 56

证书: 32


Full-time faculty members with a master’s degree or higher: 约93%

More than a third of full-time faculty members have doctoral degrees.

教师与学生的比例: 9:1



申请学分学生(2022年): 2,471
非学分生(2021-22): 1,578
学分和非学分招生合并: 4,049



怀特: 77%
黑人或非裔美国人: 3%
西班牙人: 3%
两个或两个以上种族: 1.5%    
亚洲: 0.6%
美洲印第安人/阿拉斯加人.: 0.4%
无名: 13.5%


全职: 24%
兼职: 76%
学生平均年龄: 23
双生: 28%

Enrollment by High School Graduates in Monroe County

Here are the Monroe County high schools from which our in-county students graduated in 2022, along with the percentage of each class that enrolled at MCCC:

艾达: 27%
敦提: 24%
杰佛逊: 23%
梦露: 16%
机场: 17%
•萨默菲尔德: 13%
St. 天主教玛丽中心: 14%
伊利梅森: 10%
贝德福德: 9%
Whiteford: 8%

About 1 in 5 local high school students choose MCCC.


State-of-the-art, Student-focused 设施

2022年:坎贝尔学术中心 打开. 的 center's renovation included the addition of numerous student study rooms 和 collaboration spaces; physical 和 technological improvements to classrooms 和 labs, a transformation of the library into an exp和ed Learning Resources Center that creatively merges access to traditional library services with media 和 instructional support, as well as collaborative learning spaces; a renovation of the building’s small theater, 并且增加了新的入口通道, exterior seating “walls” 和 outdoor gathering areas. 此外全面, 外部寻路标志地图亭 都安装在校园里.

2021: Student classroom spaces 和 lecture halls in the 生命科学大楼 进行了装修. A 学生会/俱乐部房安全的空间 沃瑞克学生中心开了一个房间.

2020年:创始人大厅 – which houses a Student Success Center, collaboration spaces, classrooms, labs 和 offices – opened. 

2018: A new student collaboration wing was added to the 生命科学大楼

2017: 校园范围内 geothermal-based加热, 冷却及空调系统 安装.


  • Continued addition/expansion of student spaces throughout campus for student interaction, 协作与学习
  • Addition/renovation of student classroom spaces throughout campus buildings
  • Renovation/expansion of the Health Sciences Building
  • 坦普瑞的惠特曼中心翻新工程
  • Warrick学生中心的翻新  


From recycling to energy conservation to solar power 和 more, MCCC is highly engaged in sustainable facilities.  Our official college color may be cardinal, but we sure do like to be green!



中冶集团已授予约 20,000 degrees 和 certificates since it was established in 1964.

三分之二 of MCCC graduates stay in Monroe County 和 contribute to the local economy.

7 / 10 Monroe County residents or their immediate family members have taken classes at MCCC.

Monroe County’s associate degree attainment level is higher than that of the state 和 nation because of MCCC. It is the only college headquartered in the county 和 greatly enhances the level of educational attainment, diversity 和 cultural enrichment in the community.


MCCC’s Office of Corporate 和 社区 服务 is the leading source in Monroe County for non-credit 终身学习的机会 for the community 和 the development 和 delivery of 非学分培训解决方案 本地企业. During the 2021-22 fiscal year, MCCC served nearly 1,600 non-credit students.


MCCC提供三个 Upward Bound 程序s funded by nearly $4 million in grants from the federal government to help more area high school students transform into college students. 的 程序s are in conjunction with Airport High School, Monroe High School 和 Jefferson High School.

MCCC提供 目的地舞蹈学校 有了青年舞蹈团和指导,a 青年VEX机器人 程序 还有一大堆 夏令营.

500个孩子 participate in MCCC’s FUNdamentals 夏令营 each year.

mcc主办众多 儿童节目 throughout the year in the 看中心 as part of its Campus/社区 Events Series.


无障碍教育很重要. MCCC已经 两个方便的地点 – one in centrally located in the middle of Monroe County 和 another just north of the Ohio border in Temperance – 和 offers about a long list of classes in 在线或混合格式 在每个学期.


每年,MCCC都会举办一次 满日程表的音乐会 by national, regional 和 local acts, as well as 其他文化和社区活动.  Many of them take place in the 550-seat, state-of-the-art La-Z-Boy中心和Meyer剧院.

中冶集团引入 知名演讲嘉宾及小组 这对校园和社区都有好处.

Each year MCCC hosts a superb array of mixed media 和 art exhibitions 和 lectures through its 访问艺术家系列.

中冶艺术收藏 是一个巨大的, with most of the pieces procured from award-winning visiting artists who have visited the college since the early 1970s; it is quite possibly the largest collection at a community college in the state.


MCCC的设施是 rented for use by hundreds of organizations each year, providing an attractive, functional venue for events attended by tens of thous和s of visitors.