
Mission Statement

该部门的使命是提供对政治的批判性理解, cultural, 和社会知识通过转移和通识教育课程.


人文/社会科学学部提供人类学课程, art, college skills, communications, criminal justice, dance, English composition, gender and women’s studies, humanities, history, journalism, literature, music, philosophy, political science, reading, sociology, speech, theater, and various foreign languages. The division is also home to programs of study in criminal justice, education and the fine arts.

Other Areas

The vast MCCC Art Collection has grown mostly through donations by our visiting artists and become the “largest collection of any college in Michigan outside universities with museums,在21世纪初访问过的国家审计员说. Funding for the development of a publication cataloging the collection was made possible by The Foundation at MCCC’s Cultural Enrichment Endowment. 

由Doug Richter设计的出版物, MCCC’s graphic designer, 由Paul Hedeen撰写和编辑, 已退休的人文/社会科学系主任. It was made possible with the help of the contributing artists; Gary Wilson, associate professor of art emeritus and co-curator; Ted Vassar, assistant professor of art emeritus and co-curator; Richter; Hedeen; Mark Spenoso, photographer; the Office of Marketing and Communications (project management); Josh Myers, executive director of The Foundation at MCCC (project management); Therese O’Halloran, 艺术助理教授兼顾问, and our donors.

The MCCC Art Collection Book PDF


The College/Community Symphony Band 是一个非常受欢迎的表演团体吗. It is open to students, dual-enrolled high school students and citizens from the community who have experience with instrumental music. 除了在mcc的毕业典礼上,乐队每年至少演出四场音乐会. 每年都有几个乐队奖学金颁发给该地区的高中生. Membership is by audition. 每年,该学院颁发10个表演音乐奖学金.

The College/Community Agora Chorale is another performance-based group. Like the symphonic band, the Agora Chorale uses students and citizens from the community. 它每年至少举办四场音乐会以及毕业典礼. 每年,该学院颁发10个表演音乐奖学金.

Performing Music Scholarship

MCCC为学生提供许多戏剧体验. 戏剧史概论, 表演和导演入门, 学校还经常为学生提供制作作品的机会. During the winter semester, either a lab performance or a major production is produced. It is not unusual for the casts to contain students, community members, and/or college staff.

Images 38 cover 《十大外围app》是一本关于诗歌、散文和艺术的年度出版物. 该杂志由人文/社会科学部的教师编辑. Although most of the work chosen for publication comes from the art classes and our creative writing course, 本杂志欢迎所有学生投稿. 提交图片的截止日期通常是二月初. Posters announcing the art and writing categories and other information are prominently displayed around campus leading up to the submission deadline.

Images 38 PDF




MCCC的一个转学项目领域可以获得教育学学位. Students interested in elementary education are able to transfer a large number of introductory courses such as English composition, history, mathematics, political science, science and speech. This program also contains art, literature, mathematics and music courses, which are specifically geared to students planning a degree in elementary education at a four-year institution.

Those interested in teaching at the secondary level also have many classes available for transfer. Classes in art, English composition, dramatic arts, history, literature, mathematics, philosophy, political science, psychology, science, 社会学和演讲经常被用于转学分.

Students interested in special education may take transfer classes whether they are interested in a secondary education endorsement or an elementary education endorsement.

MCCC also offers a class (EDUC 151, Exploring Teaching) that fulfills the pre-teaching requirement of many four-year institutions.

在秋季和冬季学期,Agora大约出版6次. The newspaper is produced by MCCC students enrolled in journalism classes under the guidance of a faculty adviser and student editors. 通常是州和国家奖项的获得者, the Agora reports on school events and other issues of interest to the college community. Students interested in getting involved with the Agora should contact the adviser, Matthew Bird-Meyer, at mbird-meyer@tbdaren.com or by calling 734-384-4288.

Visit The Agora website: http://www.mcccagora.com/


The Writing-Across-the-Curriculum program was developed to encourage faculty to use writing as a learning tool. The WAC program at MCCC views learning as a process and writing as a unique and important part of that process. WAC项目致力于让所有学生, 不管他们追求的是什么学科, can benefit from writing.

Each year, faculty nominate students for their writing ability and their willingness to work with people. Nominees are screened and interviewed extensively before becoming writing fellows. 然后,写作研究员被分配到个别课程. They help students by reading first drafts of writing assignments and conferencing students to discuss methods of improvement.

因为写作人员接受过各种能力的训练, WAC课程对所有学生开放,无论他们的写作能力如何. Students who seek help from the Writing Center range from at-risk students to the best writers at MCCC. Visit their Web site.




Contact Information

(734) 384-4295, jbazzell@tbdaren.com, C-233

B.A., Wayne State University
M.A., Wayne State University

Contact Information

(734) 384-4281, mbergmooser@tbdaren.com, C-236

B.A., M.A., University of Central Missouri

Ph.D., University of Missouri

Contact Information

(734) 384-4288, mbird-meyer@tbdaren.com,C-242


A.S., Monroe County Community College
B.S., Troy State University
M.A., Eastern Michigan University

Contact Information

(734) 384- 4285, lcouch@tbdaren.com, C-238

B.S., Central Michigan University
M.A.., Central Michigan University

Contact Information

(734) 384-4238, elaclair@tbdaren.com, C-241

Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh

Contact Information

(734) 384-4232, kmohney@tbdaren.com, C-237

B.S., Eastern Michigan University
M.A., Eastern Michigan University

Contact Information

(734) 384-4219, fmoorman@tbdaren.com, C-239

A.A., Monroe County Community College
B.A., University of Toledo
M.A., University of Toledo
Ph.D., Wayne State University

Contact Information

(734) 384-4154, cnartker@tbdaren.com,  C-247

M.F.A., Illinois State University

Contact Information

(734) 384-4158, tohalloran@tbdaren.com,  F-131

B.A., Arkansas Tech University
M.A., Michigan State University
Ph.D., Michigan State University

Contact Information

(734) 384-4156, droberts@tbdaren.com, C-234

B.A., Bradley University
Ph.D., Queens University Belfast

Contact Information

(734) 384-4157, msnyder@tbdaren.com, C-232

B.A., University of Michigan

Contact Information

(734) 384-4336, mpersin@tbdaren.com, C-240

B.A., M.A., Eastern Michigan University
J.D., Thomas Cooley Law School

Contact Information

(734) 384-4297, danielwood@tbdaren.com, C-244

B.Ed., University of Toledo
M.A., Michigan State University


(734) 384-4197, swozniak@tbdaren.com, C-235


加速学习课程:英语090 & ENGL 151 ALP

什么是加速学习计划?alp flyer cover

Accelerated Learning Program (ALP) allows students who do not have a qualifying score on the MCCC Accuplacer Test to complete both ENGL 151 and ENGL 090 in the same semester, not separately over two semesters. engl090是一门辅助engl151的课程. 这是一个让学生专注于阅读的机会, writing, 在以讨论为基础的课堂环境中培养批判性思维.

学生将有一名英语教师负责这两门课. Students will have several assignments to complete for both classes; the assignments in ENGL 090 are related to, and expand upon, content and skills from ENGL 151. 除了复习engl151的材料, the ENGL 090 class will preview material and build background knowledge for successfully completing ENGL 151 assignments. This extra help supports students’ confidence and increases their abilities to successfully complete ENGL 151.


  • engl090课程帮助学生在engl151中取得成功. Being able to discuss and answer questions in the ENGL 090 classroom about ENGL 151 will help reinforce what is being taught in ENGL 151.
  • Cohort model. Students get to know classmates and their instructor better since they have two classes together. 英语090班最多有10名学生, 因此,学生将从他们的老师那里得到更多的个性化关注.
  • Students can graduate or complete MTA requirements sooner because they will finish ENGL 151 in one semester instead of having to take ENGL 090 and ENGL 151 in two separate semesters.

学生为这两门课程支付5个学分. engl151是一门三学分的课程, 但是学生在完成engl090考试后不会获得毕业学分. In the state of Michigan, college credit cannot be awarded for developmental courses.

加速学习课程:英语090 & ENGL 151 ALP FLYER

This associate of applied science program prepares in criminal justice prepares students for employment in positions that require an associate degree or transfer to baccalaureate programs in criminal justice. The associate of applied science program in law enforcement prepares students for employment in positions requiring both an associate degree and Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards (MCOLES) certification.


The associate of fine arts degree with specialization in fine arts is designed to provide the student with an excellent foundation upon which to build a profession or an avocation.

Check Out MCCC’s Fine Arts Program


The MCCC Art Collection The vast MCCC Art Collection has grown mostly through donations by our visiting artists and become the “largest collection of any college in Michigan outside universities with museums,在21世纪初访问过的国家审计员说.  Funding for the development of a publication cataloging the collection was made possible by The Foundation at MCCC’s Cultural Enrichment Endowment. 

Check out the MCCC Art Collection

Division Contact Information

Beverly Tomek

Phone Icon 734.384.4152
Building / Office IconC-246

Alia Pilcher

Phone Icon 734.384.4153
Building / Office IconC-243


Summer Hours (May 6 – Aug. 9)
Mon - Thur: 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Fri: 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.